Taking care of business

OFFICERS 2016-2017
President -Laurie Garbe
Vice President - Mollie Popp
Treasurer - Becky Kordaztky
Secretary -  Marge Danner

Membership: Peggy Mayfield
Hospitality: Cindy Falendysz
Sunshine: Bonnie Blaricom
Programs:Marilyn Cooley
Comfort Quilts: Co-Chairmen's:Karen Nolte and Tina Hart
Community Service;Nancy Brieske and Kathy Hallett
Webmaster:Kathie Moran
Historian: Brenda Matthews
Sales Table:Doris Arneson, Chris McCarthy and Marilyn Cooley
Nomination: Still Available
Audit:Sandy Henning and Kathy Hallett
By-Laws:Nance Larson and Marilyn Cooley(with Mollie Popp).
 Board Meeting Schedule
Tuesday August 1st 2017
6:30 pm.
First Christian Church
1909 Highland Ave
All Members Welcome!


If Rock County School District is cancelled,
the Friendship Stars Guild Meetings

 will automatically be cancelled.
Cancellation will be posted on web site.

Friendship Stars 
Policy and Procedures for 2015